Learn the details of HIDOE’s salary structures and bonus offerings, teacher retirement plan and pension fund, health benefits, service and incentive awards, tax deferred programs and tax-sheltered annuities, and an array of other support services. If you have any questions, please email us at Teacher.Recruitment@k12.hi.us or call us at (808) 441-8444.
Salary Information:
The collective bargaining contract establishes the annual salary rates for new teachers. The Teachers’ Salary Schedule for SY 2024-2025 can be viewed here
Relocation Bonus Information for the 2025-2026 School Year:
We are pleased to announce that we have secured limited funding to provide a one-time, taxable $3,000 relocation bonus for eligible individuals who are recruited from out-of-state and hired for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year. Unfortunately, we’ve exhausted all funding for SY2024-2025 relocation bonuses.
All of the following criteria must be met in order to be eligible for the relocation bonus:
- Relocated from out-of-state;
- Recruited from out-of-state with a “Current” out-of-state mailing address at the time of job offer and acceptance;
- Completed a State Approved Teacher Preparation Program prior to relocation and effective date of employment;
- Contracted in a teacher, counselor, or librarian position for school year 2024-2025;
- Newly hired employee or re-employed following a break in service of at least two years from last termination date of employment.
- Must remain employed with the Department at a minimum of 2 months. If you resign before 2 months, then you will not qualify for the Relocation Bonus.
The payout of the relocation bonus will be dependent upon the qualifying individual’s effective date of employment.
If you have any questions, please contact the Teacher Recruitment Unit at 808-441-8444 or write us at Teacher.Recruitment@k12.hi.us.

Salary Differentials:
Shortage differentials for Hawaii licensed classroom teachers in Special Education ($10,000), Hard-to-Staff Locations ($3,000-$8,000) and Hawaiian Language Immersion Programs ($8,000) will continue through school year 2024-2025. Read the 2024-2025 memo.
A list of hard-to-staff school locations where differentials are provided to Hawaii licensed educators can be found here.
In addition to providing important services to the education of our children, employment with the Department has many benefits including 18 days of paid leave, paid holidays, health plans and a pension plan. Our benefits brochure is available here.
HIDOE-HSTA Collective Bargaining Agreement:
The exclusive representative for teachers, counselors and librarians (Unit 05) is the Hawaii State Teachers Association. A new contract for school years 2023-2027 has been reached and provides teachers a 14.5% raise over 4 years in addition to a new Class 8 on the salary schedule